Fashionista Elva More More More 4

Part 4 of a weekly column written by Elva on

Elva's Secret to Happiness

Having a hectic lifestyle and troubling over relationship problems are what many modern people are facing today. I’m like everyone else, so I’m learning to relax and make myself happy so that I can enjoy my life. Let my share with you some of my secrets to being happy.
Here’s how I relax:

1. Exercise daily & aromatherapy

Exercise can make people relax and happy. I love to exercise and have been exercising regularly these past years. The person who taught me aromatherapy is Sandy Lam. She allowed me to discover this kind of things that could relax people through its scent. The first time I met her, she sprayed a few drops of her own essential oil on me. I was pretty amazed by the scent. Later I began to read up more about essential oil. Now, I would light up my favourite essential oil whenever I reached home to relax my whole body. I have met a teacher who would light up essential oil in her classes, making me especially relaxed.

2. Instant messaging

When I’m home I would MSN with my friends, and this is an effective remedy to relieve stress. I could release my feelings to them, be it happy or sad. My friends are so important to me. They are my darlings forever.

3. Think positively

Recently, I was discussing the different ways to be happy with my friends. We have read a few spiritual books and our conclusion was to practice how to make ourselves happy. In short, whenever we are down or face a challenge, we should ask ourselves: “How do you feel?”and reply in a positive way.
In other words, if you want to slim down, you should ask yourself: “Do I think that I can slim down?” Avoid saying ‘impossible’. Also, do not remind yourself not to eat. Because this kind of pressure will only make you eat more to relieve your stress. I would set myself a target. For example if I wants to be as slim as Jessica Alba, I would keep thinking that one day I wold be like her. The more I think the happier I would get, and this fuels my determination. This is my strength for thinking positively.

Read the original chinese version here.

Previous articles:
1) Mummy! My skincare advisor
2) Regarding love, I love to rate!
3) I'm not cool, just shy

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