Elva the Lyricist

With her next album slated to be released in April, Elva is busier than a bee with her overly packed schedule. However, her creative juice continues to flow as she writes about an angel-demon duel in one her songs, portraying whether she could fall in love now, tongue in cheek.

Although there were rumours of an organisation restructuring again in her record label, Warner Music Taiwan, her manager affirms that Elva is currently concentrating on her music and image styling and have no time to bother about such baseless rumours.

While having a performance in Beijing, Elva carried with her a notebook that she could record her thoughts anytime and had set her goal to be a song-writer cum singer in the future. She revealed that she would focus on her career before planning to start dating in August. But the duet dance songs that she had composed implicitly expressed her wish to fall in love.

In her lyrics, Elva is indecisive towards love and is caught between sense and sensibility. On the surface, she is a girl who wished to fall in love, and when her Mr. Right appears, she could not wait to meet up with him. But a sensible side of her is a wet blanket which posits that before falling in love, you need to stop, look and listen and not be too rash.

The music video is especially easy to film with her one-on-one dialogue with herself, expressing how she is feeling currently. Although she has not began recording the song, her company said that the lyrics are very expressive and dramatic, so filming the music video will be a breeze.

After overcoming the difficulties in the past year, Elva has full confidence in her latest album, which will finish recording by end of February.

---------- Elva Singapore Singapore ----------

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