Why 1087?
E: 1087 is actually the past 1087 days. Alot of songs in this album talked about what happened during this 1087 days, some self-penned lyrics were reflections of my feelings during this period.
How does she rate herself for the latest album?
E: It's very difficult to rate myself, especially when I feel that I can do much better. So for now, I give myself 80 marks. There are lots of room for improvement, since I had put in so much effort in this album. In previous albums I was only responsible for the main and back-up singing, but for this album I had to be in charge of writing a few songs, so I feel it can be improved. Although the listeners taste may change after these few years, this album is full of my sincerity!
How does she feel during this 3 year hiatus?
E: (After ending her contract with Virgin records), I just want to calm down and pthink about what I really wanted. I don't want to be another singing or working robot. I treat this as an obstacle that everyone has to overcome in their life, now it seems like an experience, I have no regrets over the decisions that I had made in my singing career. After 3 years of ups and downs, I believe I had matured, and I hope I will eventually mature into a beautiful butterfly!
How does she view other songtress like Jolin and Stefanie who had became extremely popular?
E: I should it feels like a racer leaving the race course competition and driving back again.This 3 years isn't a stopping point for me, I'm constantly moving forward. Elva is back to the competition. after such a long hiatus, many new artistes had emerged, and I'm feeling very nervous about it. I'm afraid such anticipation for my return may become churn out disappointing results. But after seeing my publicists working so hard for during this recovery period, I have no reason to back out. Whenever I see someone promoting their albums in MTV channel, my family members would help to change the channel. Now I finally can return to where I used to belong.
Does she ever feel like giving up?
E: This is the worst period of my life and I admit I had reached a bottleneck in my career. This period was extremely arduous, but I did not regret my decision. At that time, it was the choice that I could make. Warner Music's top management was changing hands, although I had already recorded my album and music videos, the album could not be released. This was because I couldn't release my album without having my boss around, it's too risky! I only had to end the contract. To a singer, changing a record company is a huge matter, one has to make a choice wisely. I feel that you need lots of courage to change your record company, so I had no choice but to make that decision.
What about her love life?
E: I had known a guy who everyone feels that he's not good, but I feel that he's very nice. I was a little blinded by love then, even to the extent of giving up my singing career for him. Although we had broken up, I learnt alot from this experience. We should not view fame as such an important thing... so I wrote my feelings into my song "熄灯".
What does she look for in a guy?
We have to be able to relate to each other, he must have some talent. He need not necessarily be in the same industry as I, but definitely have some talent! He have to be filial and well-mannered. Most importantly, we have to like spending time with each other!
Source: 成都商报
1087个日夜失去的 我要收回
在1087个日夜以后,萧亚轩(Elva)终于重新回归我们的视线。《1087》 是Elva新专辑的名称,漫长地等待给她的复出平添了许多不可预测的因素。这个曾经在华语歌坛创造过不少奇迹的小天后,在经历巨大变故后还能笑傲江湖吗? 昨日,坐着轮椅,拄着拐杖的萧亚轩受城市之音102.6的邀请,来到成都拉开了新专辑内地宣传首站的序幕。一系列的遭遇,似乎上天在不断考验她的耐心,又 或者印证了那句“好事多磨”。
《1087》这个唱片名却让不少歌迷颇费思量。萧亚轩感慨说:“1087其实就是指过去3年的1087个日子。我是一个性情中人,所以专辑里的 很多歌曲讲的都是过去3年里发生的事情,有一些自己填的词完全就是当时的心情写照。”不过,对这张凝结了自己全部心血的专辑,萧亚轩却只打了80分。“其 实给自己打分很难,尤其我又觉得自己做过的事情可以更好,现在打分可以打80分。当然还有很多进步的空间,因为这张专辑毕竟付出很多的心血。以往只是参与 唱歌、和声之类的东西,这张专辑自己还要负责创作,所以它的成绩还可以更好。虽然过了几年,大家听歌的习惯有了改变,但它绝对是最有诚意的!”
三年前,和维京约满时,萧亚轩并不着急找新公司谈签约,“我当时只想静一静,好好思考自己要的到底是什么。我不想成为唱歌的机器人、工作的机器 人。我把这当作人生必须要经历的一关,不管是什么,现在看来都是经验,我对自己在音乐路上做出的很多决定和事情都不后悔。经历了这三年的起起落落,肯定有 从挣扎到蜕变的过程,我期待最后变成一只很美的蝴蝶。”
当年的萧亚轩如日中天,与蔡依林、孙燕姿同为当红小天后,如今竞争对手都成为天后级别,而Elva则需要付出更多的努力。“确切地说应该是一个 开出赛道的车手把车子又重新开回了赛道。这三年来并不是停滞不前,也在前进,只不过离开了原来的那个赛道。现在萧亚轩把车子又重新开了回来。”面对媒体的 萧亚轩非常坦然,没有否认重新回到歌坛会担心自己的成绩。“有那么长的一段空档期。三年又出现那么多有实力的新人,其实我心里非常紧张的。害怕如此期待地 一场复出会有什么不好的结局。可是当我看到每个工作人员为了我辛苦工作,特别是受伤这段时间,我自己能做的事情忽然变得少了,我自己没有理由先退缩。”萧 亚轩还告诉记者,以前如果转到音乐频道看见别的歌手发片或者MV,家里人会帮自己转台,如今自己终于可以重回那个属于自己的舞台。
萧亚轩曾经创造了无数的销售奇迹和一系列脍炙人口的经典歌曲,比如《最熟悉的陌生人》《CAPPUCCINO》《甩啦甩啦》……这些歌曲,直到 今天还让人记忆犹新。奇迹之后,萧亚轩的事业就进入了低谷期。对于这段日子,放弃的念头曾经在萧亚轩心中萌芽。“这是我人生遭受的一个重大挫折,我必须承 认,我的事业出现了瓶颈。这段时期我过得非常艰难,但我并不会后悔,因为当时的情况,我只能做出那样的选择”。萧亚轩回忆说,“那个时候华纳高层发生了非 常大的变动,虽然那时我已经录制好了唱片,也拍好了MV,但却无法推出,因为我不能在没有老板的时候发片,那样子太没有保障了!我只能选择结束合约。其 实,对一个歌手来说,结束合约、换公司是很重要的事情,谁都不会轻易做决定,我甚至觉得,换唱片公司需要莫大的勇气,所以这对我来说,是实在没办法的解决 方式……”
在萧亚轩出道的这些年中,和她传出绯闻的男艺人不在少数,比如陈冠希、黄立行等,但是萧亚轩对于这些似真似假的过往,一笑而过。实际上,外表看 似独立的萧亚轩是一个非常重感情的人,她对自己的形容是“冲动中的理智”,她还曾经为爱情差点离开歌坛,“我曾经遇到过这样的一个人,觉得他什么都好,朋 友觉得不好的地方,我觉得很好;朋友觉得好的地方,我觉得更棒。那时我对爱情有一些盲目,甚至爱到可以为他退出歌坛的程度,虽然最终我们还是分开了。但他 让我明白了很多,我觉得名利应该看淡些……我把我的这些感触写进了新专辑的《熄灯》这首歌里。”萧亚轩心中的男友是什么样呢?“一定要聊得来,有内容,有 那种可以让我崇拜的才华。不一定是同行,但一定要有某方面的专长。还有要孝顺,有品行。最重要是一定要对的上眼,在意两人之间的感觉。”
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